I am a horribly disorganized person. I am one of those people that can have stacks of stuff sitting around, but yet I remember exactly which stack has what I need in it. Thankfully, I married a man who is exactly the opposite from me, and I've really progressed in the area of keeping things tidy.
You know the old saying “A place for everything, and everything in its place”?
Well, my house is not perfect, but if you knew the “former me”, you'd be quite impressed at how well I'm doing with having “a place for everything.” The “everything in its place” part is a little challenging with three little ones, but I'm teaching them to help tidy up after every activity, and we're managing to at least keep it from looking like a complete junkyard in this house!
So, if I'm doing pretty well at keeping the house organized, then why is this challenge entitled “Organize It”? Well, you know what I organized?
My schedule.
For weeks, I've made lovely to-do lists containing the item “Redo daily schedule”. But I've been procrastinating about actually sitting down and doing it.
Maybe I'm a rebel, I don't know, but I hate being told what to do, especially by a piece of paper. When I do make a schedule, I follow it for about a week (an extremely productive week usually), then I get bored and throw the schedule out the window. Not literally of course; that would be littering. And it would make my yard look junky. Then I'd have to clean it up.  Hey, at least I'd have another Anti-Procrastination Challenge to post: “Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Cleaning up the Yard”. Anyway, whatever. I'm getting totally sidetracked.
I've known for a while that I need to get back on a schedule, or at least some kind of routine. I have lots of excuses for not doing it. I don't do well with a schedule – I think I have ADD (not really); I sleep in too often since I've not been feeling well– that would mess up my schedule; the baby's schedule is always changing – it's a pain to always be changing my schedule; etc.
But the truth of the matter is, I just flat out get more done when I'm following at least a basic routine.
I sat down last night and ground out a brand new schedule. The only problem is, I have to follow it now. To tell the truth, I didn't even follow it today. I slept in again, and it threw my day off. I've got to figure out a good plan to get myself into a “sleeping-in day” routine. If anybody has any ideas how to get into a productive groove even when I've slept in, I'd love the advice. My schedule is based on getting up at 6 am, which I honestly enjoy doing, but until I get feeling better, that's not always practical. Maybe I should make a separate “sleeping-in” schedule. I don't know, then I might be tempted to sleep in every day.
Anyway, I'm kind of talking typing to myself now, so I'll get on with the challenge.
I don't know if it's your schedule you need to organize, or something in your house, or what, but you know what it is. So whatever it is, it's time to get it done.
If you'd like, leave me a comment and tell me what you're working on!
Oh, and if you have any advice about the sleeping-in thing, let me know that too!
Oh, and if you’re just now joining our Anti-Procrastination challenge, you can read all the details here. Be sure you’re subscribed to email updates or follow me on Facebook to receive each new challenge!