Anti-Procrastination Archives - Page 6 of 9 - Imperfect Homemaker

Category Archives for Anti-Procrastination

Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Fulfill Your Promises

 I'm working right now on scanning a bunch of stuff that my sister-in-law needs.  It is a little time-consuming, and to be honest, I don't really feel like doing it.  I mean, it's boring sitting here waiting on stuff to scan and tedious to make sure I save all the files in the right place and get them all emailed to her. 

But, she is my sister-in-law, and I love her dearly.  This is stuff she really needs, and I promised her I would do it for her.  Procrastinating on it just because it's not exactly something  fun is not going to help her any, and it's going to leave it hanging over my head and making me feel badly that I haven't done it for her yet.

(If you're reading this, dear SIL, I'm not trying to make you feel guilty!  I'm happy to do it for you, it's just not exactly what I would call fun.  And my flesh would rather have fun than do work.) 

So, now that I've gotten this far on my post in between scannings, I am done with what I promised!  That wasn't so bad, was it? 

Your turn!

What have you told someone you would do for them, and why haven't you done it yet? Have you told your kids you would take them to the park, but haven't found the time because you're too busy working on your to-do list?  Have you made a promise to a friend out of politeness and conveniently forgotten about it?

Whatever it is, it's time to get rid of the excuses and do it!  I'd love for you to leave a comment letting me know what you've accomplished!

If you're just now joining our Anti-Procrastination challenge, you can read all the details here. be sure you're subscribed to email updates or follow me on Facebook to receive each day's new challenge!  

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Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Just Buy It!

This is a hard one for my tightwad stingy frugal self.  The back of our office chair fell off a good while ago.  Really, I can't even remember when it was.  Maybe a few months?  Six months?  More?  I don't know.  We just kept using it like it was “until we get a new one.”  Well, we haven't gotten a new one yet.

I have lots of excuses, the main one being, “I just haven't found a good deal on one.”  I don't buy anything unless it's a really, really, really, really good deal.  Or free.  That's the truth.  (That would be why I run another blog all about deals and free stuff!)   

But, even though there have been several times I've come up with pretty much the best deal I'm gonna find on an office chair, my tightwad stingy frugal self always backs down at the last minute.  I just hate spending the money, good deal or not.

Well, this whole Anti-Procrastination thing has had an over-riding theme of getting rid of excuses.  The broken chair is hideously ugly, and it's bugging both my husband and me.  It's time to just buy a new one!  Part with that money already!  I'm biting the bullet today and getting a new chair!

Your turn!

What is it that needs to be replaced in your home?  Hey, it could be something as simple as a lightbulb, but it's just made its way to the bottom of the list.  Just buy it!

Please be aware that I'm not advocating your going out and spending money you don't have.  Please, no!  But, if it's within reason and needs to be replaced, what is keeping you from buying it?  You may need to be purposeful about rearranging your budget a little bit so you can financially fit in that purchase this month.  But you'll be glad you did when you can stop looking at that ugly, broken whatever-it-is and wishing you had a new one!

If you're just now joining our Anti-Procrastination challenge, you can read all the details here. be sure you're subscribed to email updates or follow me on Facebook to receive each day's new challenge!

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Anti-Procrastination Challenge: De-Clutter your Inbox

My inbox was starting to get really annoying.  It seemed like I was deleting 10 times more stuff than I was actually opening.  It was time for an inbox de-clutter! 

Your turn!  Any type of newsletters, advertisements, etc. that are coming to your inbox that you don't ever read are simply wasting your time when you have to click the delete button every day.  Open them all up and unsubscribe.  I like to do it all in one day even if it takes me a while.  The reason for that is because your unsubscription request can take up to 2 weeks to process.  In the meantime you'll continue to get emails from that company.  I can never remember which ones I've already unsubscribed to, so I do it all in one shot, wait a couple weeks, then do it again.

If you're just now joining our Anti-Procrastination challenge, you can read all the details here. be sure you're subscribed to email updates or follow me on Facebook to receive each day's new challenge!

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Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Do it Now!

Today's Anti-Procrastination challenge isn't so much of a one-time challenge as it is the practicing of a habit.  I call it the Do-It-Now Principle.

The idea behind the Do-It-Now Principle is to practice Anti-Procrastination on everything that you do.  There are plenty of people for whom that comes naturally, but unfortunately I am not one of those people.  I am forever convincing myself  that things will be easier if I do them later.

 Here's an example that occurred just today.  I had been out shopping all day, and when I pulled into the driveway it was already well past the children's naptimes.  I looked into the back at the jumbled mess of bags, kids, coats, diaper bags, and who-knows-what else and thought to myself, “Right now I just need to concentrate on getting these kids down for their naps.  I'll clean the van out later.” 

The only problem is that later never seems to come.  By the time everyone is down for naps and I've had a couple minutes to put my feet up, it's time to make dinner and straighten up the house.  Before I know it, bedtime is upon me and later becomes, yet again…later.  The next day I'll most likely forget all about the junk that's sitting in the van.  I'll continue to forget about it until a very inconvenient time, like when we're already late for church and we're looking for the kids' coats.  I'll then remember that they're in the van, along with a bunch of other stuff.  We'll hurriedly jump in on top of all the stuff, allowing it to get trampled under the kids' feet while they climb into the back.  I could continue to go on with the possibilities – a bottle of lotion getting squirted all over the place under a kid's foot, finding a bag of spoiled cheese (not that I've ever done that or anything), a coat that now has to be washed because it just got walked on with dirty shoes. 

What begins as an attempt to make things easier ends up creating more work and making things take longer.  And the longer you procrastinate, the worse they become. 

I am learning ever so slowly that those who always seem to have their house clean are the people who have a habit of practicing the Do-It-Now Principle.

Whatever we do, let's quit procrastinating, okay?  Let's make our lives easier by doing things now!  Will you join me?  If you're already in a good habit of doing things right away, will you cheer me on?

*By the way, I did clean out the van before I put the kids down for their naps!  Good habits are developed one decision at a time!*

If you're just now joining our Anti-Procrastination challenge, you can read all the details here. be sure you're subscribed to email updates or follow me on Facebook to receive each day's new challenge!   

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Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Take a Day Off

I realize I haven't posted an Anti-Procrastination challenge for the past couple days.  I also realize that there are a lot of weekends that I don't post anything.  That's simply because I made a commitment that I would not let this blog take priority over my responsibilities as a wife and mother.  (That would be pretty dumb to blog about homemaking and be a lousy homemaker!)

I really hope, though, that on the days where I don't post a new challenge that you're still completing your own Anti-Procrastination task.  We all have different things that need to be done, and I'm sure you can think of something to do that you've been putting off.

Today is a little different, though.  I'm going to give you permission to take a day off…with one requirement.  You have to use your day off to do something you've been putting off.  I know you're thinking, “What?  Isn't that the same as an Anti-Procrastination task?”  Here's what I mean.  You need to stop procrastinating caring about people.  In my case it's the three little people that call me mom.  I can get so focused on getting everything crossed off my list, including my Anti-Procrastination task for the day, that I hear myself saying things like, “No, not right now…”  “Not today…”  “Later…” to my kids.  They want to go outside (which means I have to drop everything and go out with them since they're too little to go out by themselves) or play with playdough (which I hate because it makes a big crumbly mess)  or they want me to read to them or play with them.  There is nothing wrong with telling your kids they have to wait a few minutes while you get the dishes in the dishwasher, but do you find yourself constantly telling them “Later”?  If not now, then when?  Blink an eye and they'll be grown.  You'll be so sorry you waited to spend precious time with them.  So don't add that Anti-Procrastination task to your list today.  Instead, go read a book to your kids.  Take them outside.  Play playdough with them. 

If you don't have children or yours are grown, what people have you been putting off because you're too busy?  Why don't you take the time to make that special meal for your husband even though it's time-consuming and requires a lot of cleanup?  Write that letter to your grandmother.  Visit that lonely person in your church.  Bake those cookies for your neighbor.

We're not promised tomorrow.  Let's not get so focused on getting things done that we put off caring about people.


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Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Preserve a Memory

I have a family blog where I post pictures for the grandparents or anybody else who wants to see what we've been up to.  But…that blog is often sadly neglected.  I always have great intentions, but it gets pushed to the bottom of the priority list too many times.  For my Anti-Procrastination task today, I got it updated.

Whether or not you have a blog, keeping up with family photos seems to be an area which many people neglect.

What are you going to do about it today?  I'm  not asking you to start a month-long project updating a year's worth of scrapbook pages.  I'm challenging you to preserve A memory.  Just do one thing.  What will it be?  Getting pictures printed that have been sitting on your camera card for who-knows-how-long?  Putting together one scrapbook page?  Posting one blog post? 

I am finding that a big reason we procrastinate is because the situation looks too big and too overwhelming, so we don't do anything.  Just do one thing and enjoy it!  That's better than not doing anything at all!

 If you're just now joining our Anti-Procrastination challenge, you can read all the details here. be sure you're subscribed to email updates or follow me on Facebook to receive each day's new challenge!

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