Hi! My name is MaryEllen, and I am the wife to a wonderful man and the mommy to five precious children. Come follow along as I share the struggles and victories in my life as an {imperfect} homemaker. All the glory goes to my Lord Jesus Christ who gives me grace each day as I learn to become more like Him.
Is your husband ever stressed, discouraged, or frazzled? (Of course he is!) Sometimes we wives get so caught up in the burden of our own responsibilities and concerns that we forget our husband also has his own burdens to carry. Can I challenge you to build up your husband through your words and actions? Here are 5 ways to encourage your husband today:
1. I'm praying for you.
Every husband should have the privilege of knowing his wife is laboring in prayer for him as he faces the pressures of the day. But don't stop at praying for him…let him know that you are!
2. Thank you for…
Show gratitude even for the little things.
3. I love it when you…
Don't focus on what you don't like about your husband. Telling him about the things you like will encourage him to do more of it.
4. You do such a great job at…
Husbands love it when their wives pump up their ego a little bit. Just sayin'.
5. I made this/did this/bought this for you.
When's the last time you did something for your husband just because you love him?
What are some other ways you can think of to encourage your husband?
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