Someone emailed me the other day asking if I knew where they could get a printable Halloween tract to hand out this weekend. I didn't. So I made one!
I know you can order Halloween tracts from various places, but if you're like me, you never think about it until it's too late to order and receive them in time. Thus, printables to the rescue!

I am not even going to go into the question of whether or not Christians should celebrate Halloween, but just for the record, our family chooses not to. “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness” seems clear enough to me. Yes, millions of people are celebrating Halloween “just for fun” and are not out to worship the devil. But many are. I'd prefer not to associate myself with the evil that is going on behind the scenes. (A good book that we have for our kids is called “Mommy, Why Don't We Celebrate Halloween?” It may even help you think things through for yourself.) I'm not going to tell you what you should or shouldn't do; I just hope that you have put thought into why you do or don't participate in certain activities and have evaluated them under the light of God's Word. Where your decision falls is between you and Him.
Okay, now that we got that out of the way, regardless of what your family chooses to do, the fact of the matter is that millions of people are taking their children out for a night of trick-or-treating. Dozens of children and parents will be showing up at your door. If you are a Christian, you have a responsibility to spread the gospel to every creature. You may not be able to spend an hour witnessing to every person who comes to your door, but you can send the gospel home with them!
If you're typically a “stay away from home on Halloween so I don't have to pass out candy” type of person, let's change that this year!
Go buy some candy, print some tracts, and be ready to give the Gospel to dozens of people with whom you would otherwise have never crossed paths!
A few thoughts:
1. Please, please, please do not just give a tract without giving some candy! Do you honestly think a disappointed child who was hoping for some good candy wants to read your tract? Do you honestly think a parent with a disappointed child wants to read your tract? (I know most of us around here are trying to be healthy, so if you can't stand the thought of giving candy, get some little prizes – pencils, little plastic animals, superballs, etc. to hand out. But to be honest, the parents apparently don't care if their kids get candy, and that's probably what they really want anyway, so you might just want to give them the candy!)
2. It would be good if you could attach the tract to the candy or prize in some way. (Put them in a baggie together or punch a hole in both and tie together with a ribbon.) If the parents didn't come to the door with their child and they see a tract when they look through their child's candy bucket, they may not know you actually gave them something else. If you google “Halloween tract”, you would not believe how much of what comes up is people on atheist forums mocking the tracts that their kids get from people who are too stingy to give them candy. “The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness” and people who hate God will always find some reason to mock, but let's eliminate as many of their reasons as we can!
3. It would be doubly good to make up 2 candy/tract packets – one that says “For You” and one that says “For Your Parents”. Put some of the good kind of candy in there – the kind that parents raid their child's stash for – and you will make their night! They may actually want to hear/read what you have to say when they see that you put effort into doing something thoughtful for them.
4. I tried to leave a little room on the back of the tract so that you can write your personal or church contact info on there. If someone is truly interested in receiving the gospel, they need a place to find more information! Don't leave them to figure it out on their own.
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