MaryEllen, Author at Imperfect Homemaker - Page 66 of 121

All Posts by MaryEllen

10 Week Healthy Living Challenge

These are simple things that have a big impact!



Do you want to take some steps toward a healthier lifestyle, but aren't sure where to start?

Join me for a 10 week healthy living challenge!

(You can jump in to this challenge at any time.  There is no particular start or end date, so the best time to start making positive changes is NOW!)

This will not be anything overwhelming; instead it will be one simple change you can make in your household that will have a big impact!

You'll find yourself more energetic and happier about the way you are caring for your family.

Sound good?

Enter your email address to join the fun!

(Note: if you are already subscribed to email updates, you WILL need to sign up separately for this challenge.)

How to Pray for Missionaries (With Free Printable)


How to Pray for Missionaries


A couple years ago I posted about how we keep all our missionary prayer cards in a photo album.  We can flip through it and pray for a different missionary at each meal.

Missionary Prayer List

I hope you have some sort of system in place that you use to pray for missionaries as well.  And I hope that your prayer is more than just “God bless the missionaries.”  They have specific needs, and it is our responsibility to intercede for them as they face the obstacles that the adversary sets before them.

It is easier than it ever has been to pray for the specific needs of each missionary that we know.  Most of them send out updates by email, and you can get their most up-to-date prayer requests right in your inbox.  I try to pray for specific requests that come through immediately as I read them.  Later we add those requests to our family prayer time as well.

A couple months ago, we had a missionary in our church (Brenson Jennings, missionary to Niger) who preached a message on How to Pray for Missionaries.  He gave some general ways that we should be praying for our missionaries on a regular basis.  I am not sure I got 100% of the outline down as I was trying to hurriedly scratch it on the back of a receipt, but here is the gist of what he said: (posted with his permission)

1. Pray for their Deliverance

  • from Wicked Men – there are many who oppose the work of the Lord and will do everything they can to hinder it
  • from Wasted Time – they need wisdom to use every minute wisely
  • from Weary Bodies – one of Satan's weapons against those doing God's work is to attack with illness
  • from Worldly Attitudes – they need to remember that all things work together for good — even when it doesn't seem like that is happening at the moment
  • from Wrong Choices – they need discernment to use their resources wisely, to know who to trust in a strange country, etc.

2. Pray for Acceptance

  • of the Message – that people would respond to the gospel
  • of the Motive – they need people to understand that they've come because God loves them

3. Pray for Encouragement

  • In times of Stress – sometimes it seems they are all alone as they face trials
  • In times of Sickness – we all have a tendency to feel discouraged when we're not feeling well
  • In times of Sowing – it's discouraging when it seems no one is listening or responding to your message
  • In times of Separation – being far away from friends and family is hard


How to Pray for Missionaries

There were so many specific examples that this particular missionary gave which illustrated each of these points.  I'm sure that you can just imagine the missionaries you know and why they would need you to pray these things for them and how they would apply in their particular situation.

I wanted to remember these things, so I created a simple 4×6 printable that can go into the front of our missionary album.  If you'd like to print it, you can do so by clicking on the photo above or the link below.

How to Pray for Missionaries PDF




I Am Blessed With a Beautiful Mess

Every day I face mountains.


Mountains of laundry.

Mountains of dishes.

Mountains of exhaustion, frustration, and confusion.


Motherhood is the hardest thing I have ever done.


Last night my husband took the kids out for a couple hours, and I had a quiet house to myself.  (Well, I had the baby with me, but she seems like no work at all when you're used to three other tornadoes in the house!)


You would think I would have enjoyed the quiet.  Having a chance to go to the bathroom without having to referee sibling bickering through the door should be blissful, right?


But you know who the happiest person was for those kids to get home?



I hardly knew what to do with myself while they were gone!  I was (dare I say it?) bored!


You see, while they are a challenge to face each day,  every one of those mountains in my home is beautiful.


Those mountains of laundry represent a little boy who is full of healthy curiosity about the world God made.  They represent siblings playing outside with one another, climbing trees, playing on the swing set, and picking honeysuckle together.

I want these to be the memories my kids have of home; not of how mom was always complaining about how hard they made her work.

Motherhood is a beautiful mess


Those mountains of dishes represent meals around the family table, talking and laughing together.  The discussions about how to read the clock on the kitchen wall will all too soon turn into discussions about how their college classes are going.  I don't want to waste precious memories that will pass too quickly by spending my time focusing on the dirty dishes.

a beautiful mess


The mountains of exhaustion, confusion, and frustration represent long days teaching children how to be kind, responsible, honest, and obedient, even when they are not the most cooperative students.

But each “Yes, ma’am” that I hear brings a renewed energy and determination to work diligently so that one day those “Yes, ma’am”s will turn to “Yes, Lord”s.

And one day when I see my grown children living a life for God’s glory, I will look back and reflect on this beautiful mess that defines my life as a young mother. And I will declare that every mountain I scaled was worth the effort ten times over.

Christian motherhood quote




Fight Laundry Stains with Biz

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Biz Stain & Odor Eliminator. All opinions are 100% mine.


As a mom, I deal with stains every single day.

When I given the opportunity to try out Biz stain fighter, I was happy to put it to the test.

I had stains of all types to fight: mud, grass, food, baby blowouts, you name it.

Here is just one example of one of the stains I worked on (or that Biz worked on for me).

I know, I know.  I just had to show you the grossest one!

Fight Stains with Biz

After treatment with Biz:

Fight Stains with Biz


You can see that it worked quite well.  Biz contains more stain fighting ingredients than other types of stain fighters.  It contains ingredients to combat all 4 types of stains: protein-based stains, inks and dyes, brightening/whitening, and granular stains like mud and dirt.

Although the instructions say to use Biz by adding it to a load of wash, or to wet the area with warm water and apply Biz for 30 minutes before washing, I found a favorite way to use it that worked well for me.  If something got stained I would immediately put it into a bucket of warm water and add Biz.  That way I could allow the garment to soak in the stain fighting power without having to remember to come back and wash it in 30 minutes.  I could get it into the wash whenever I happened to make my way back into the laundry room.

I had the opportunity to use it on a wide variety of stains.

For instance, my little girl smeared peanut butter all over a white shirt.  After treatment with Biz, it came out whiter than ever.

Another time my little man got grass stain and mud on a pair of tan pants.  The grass stain came out without a trace, which surprised me as that is usually one of the toughest stains to fight.  On the other hand, the mud did not come out nearly as well.

My overall opinion was that although there are certain types of stains that Biz had a harder time fighting, the ones that it fought well were fought extremely well.

Take a look at where to buy Biz and be sure to be on the lookout for the new look:

Fight stains with Biz

You can also save $1 on Biz with a printable coupon!

Be sure to connect with Biz on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest for lots of stain fighting goodness.

Visit Sponsor's Site

DIY Hurricane Using FrogTape®

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of FrogTape Brand Painter’s Tape. All opinions are 100% mine.

DIY Hurricane Using FrogTape®

I painted this hurricane using FrogTape® Shape Tape™.  It was a little bit challenging at first due to the curvy shape of the hurricane, but once I figured out what I was doing I got on a roll and was able to complete the project fairly quickly.

(FrogTape® is the only painter's tape treated with PaintBlock® Technology. PaintBlock is a super-absorbent polymer which reacts with latex paint and instantly gels to form a micro-barrier that seals the edges of the tape, preventing paint bleed.  Check out thisFrogTape how-to for more details.)


Step 1: Start with a clean, dry hurricane or vase.

 DIY Hurricane Using FrogTape®



Step 2: Measure and cut pieces of FrogTape® Shape Tape™ to create the design you have chosen.  Peel off one half of the backing.

DIY Hurricane using FrogTape®

Step 3: Adhere the tape to your hurricane.  Continue until you have completed your desired design.

DIY Hurricane using FrogTape®

Step 4: Remove the other half of the backing and secure the tape firmly with your fingers.  Then use a firm plastic object to smooth the edges of the tape. (I used an old gift card.)

DIY Hurricane Using FrogTape®

Step 5: Ensure that your design looks exactly like you want it, then paint directly over the tape to fill in the bare design.

DIY Hurricane Using FrogTape®

Step 6: After the paint is dry, remove the tape from your project and enjoy the finished product!

DIY Hurricane Using FrogTape®

I had fun trying out a new project.  What project would you like to try using FrogTape® Shape Tape™?  You can find tons of creative inspiration when you follow FrogTape® on Twitter @FrogTape!



Visit Sponsor's Site

Apparoo App of the Week: Grandma’s Kitchen

This post is sponsored by Apparoo.


Apparoo logo 4c

I’ve partnered with Apparoo to highlight a new app each week. These apps will be free or highly discounted during the weeks I post them, so grab them while you can!


This week's app: Grandma's Kitchen

Grandma's Kitchen App

Grandma’s cooking up a storm in this fresh-baked app that stirs kindergarten and first grade skills into the batter. Kids can “bake” compound words, make and decorate a cake, tell time to see when the cake will be ready, and even help Grandma wash the dishes. Reading, math, and pattern-recognition are seamlessly integrated into eight fun mini-games, and live-action instructive cooking tips add to the deliciousness. Customize the games to choose which skills to activate. So hide the knives and step aside – your eensie-weensie Emeril or junior Julia Child will be whipping up dinner – with a side of reading and math!

grandmas kitchen app

 Download it here for only $0.99  (limited time only!)