Deep Cleaning Doesn't Have to Be Hard!

Deep Cleaning Doesn’t Have to Be Hard (31 Days of Imperfect Homemaking)

31 Days of Imperfect Homemaking - a series on imperfecthomemaker.com

It's day 4 of 31 Days of Imperfect Homemaking!  If you missed any of the other days, you can go back and catch up right here.

Deep Cleaning.  I'll be honest.  It's something I skip far more often than I should!

I have this notion in my head that the house has to be perfectly straightened up before I can do anything “extra”.  The problem is, with 4 small children running around, my house is never perfectly straightened up!

I look with disgust at the grime accumulating on the windows or light fixtures, but I tell myself I'm not allowed to clean them right now because there's so much other “regular” cleaning that needs to be done.  So the grime accumulates more and more, making my house look like an absolute dungeon, even when I have somehow managed to get it all straightened up (i.e. after the kids are in bed.)

Today's Challenge: Choose one thing to deep clean and just do it! 

I don't care if there are toys spread all over the floor or if the laundry's not all folded; those things will always be there for you to do over and over. If you wait until they're done, you'll never get any of your other deep cleaning done.  Don't choose 3 or 4 because you do need to get to the regular work at some point, though!  Just choose one and get it done!  You'll like the quick and noticeable results so much you'll probably want to do it again tomorrow!


Here is a list of ideas to get you started:

10 Things You Can Deep Clean in 10 Minutes or Less!


Today's Instagram challenge: Post a picture of something you deep cleaned!  Use the hashtag #imperfecthomemaker to encourage other members of this community!  (Follow me here.)

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