Free Starter Kit from Simply Aroma - Imperfect Homemaker

Free Starter Kit from Simply Aroma

free starter kit from Simply Aroma



UPDATE: Simply Aroma was around for a few years and then folded.  However, my little foray into essential oils was a great learning opportunity.

As of this time, the brand I am most confident recommending is Plant Therapy.  The nice thing is that they are also extremely inexpensive, and there is no need to purchase through a consultant.


Okay, I'm going to be upfront with you. I don't necessarily think essential oils are some miracle cure for every ailment. It seems to me like they're quite a fad with some people.  People live the most unhealthy lifestyles, then use essential oils to make their aches, pains, and illnesses feel better.  I think a better plan is just to eat healthy food, exercise, get enough rest, and do everything possible not to get sick in the first place.  But, since no one can be perfectly healthy, I believe it is important to use natural means whenever possible to help when we are ill.  Essential oils are only one part of the equation, along with healing foods and herbs.

So with all that said…

I've been wanting to learn more about essential oils, mainly out of curiosity.  I found out that Simply Aroma (a fairly new company) is offering $100 off a starter kit, making the smallest kit free (shipping is $20). I went ahead and signed up as a consultant just so I could check it out, because, hey, the price was right!

They are only offering this for a couple more days, (ends July 6, even though it says it's a June special). You need to attend an introductory webinar to get the coupon code. Watch it here.  The referring consultant is MaryElen Bream.

(If you decide to sign up for the kit, you'll need my id.  It should automatically come up on the order form if you go through this link.)



UPDATE: If you missed the announcement above, Simply Aroma is no longer in business.  I wholeheartedly recommend Plant Therapy brand oils now.  They are fantastic quality and very inexpensive too.

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