MaryEllen, Author at Imperfect Homemaker - Page 54 of 121

All Posts by MaryEllen

Try Something New (Imperfect Homemaking Challenge)

We all do it — we clip recipes from magazines or pin them on Pinterest and then let them just sit there collecting dust.

We see something that looks good and think “I should try that,” but we just never “get around to it.”

Well now is the time to get around to it!

You may find a new family favorite!

Good advice from Imperfect Homemaker

Today's Challenge: Make a new recipe.

If you don't have the ingredients on hand, add them to your shopping list right now so you don't forget.

Instagram challenge: Post a picture of something new that you made or of the recipe you're planning to try once you buy the ingredients.  Use the hashtag #imperfecthomemaker to encourage other members of this community!  (Follow me here.)


If you’re just joining the 31 Days of Imperfect Homemaking series, you can see all the posts here.


31 Days of Imperfect Homemaking | A Series for Christian Homemakers

Royal Berkey Giveaway!

My guess is that you are blessed with access to clean running water. We don't really worry about getting parasites or other waterborne diseases when we turn on our tap.

But while we are blessed with clean water coming through indoor plumbing, are you aware of some of the environmental contaminants that are frequently found in that water? Traces of heavy metals like mercury and aluminum, pesticide residues, and volatile organic compounds can be found in our drinking water!

Berkey Giveaway Banner from Positively Real Media

This is why the bloggers of Positively Real Media are so excited to be teaming up to bring to you a Royal Berkey 3.25 Gallon Stainless Steel Water Purifier giveaway sponsored by United Environmental Solutions!

About The Berkey

Berkey water purifiers are truly unique water purifying systems. According to UES, they are able to remove red food coloring from water while still allowing beneficial minerals to remain!

As free-standing units that put the power of gravity to use, the Berkey systems don't use any electricity. This makes them excellent systems to have on hand while camping or during power outages.



Our family personally uses and loves the Berkey filter.  You can read about our experience and find out why we like it so much here.



Positively Real Media is giving away a Royal Berkey

While whole house filtration systems can be fantastic solutions to the problem of residual water contamination, they are simply out of the budget for most families. However, a Berkey system is a fraction of the cost and can filter 4 gallons of water per hour, making it a great fit for families!

If you want to ensure that your family's drinking and cooking water is as clean and pure as it can be, a Berkey may be just what you need!

Win A 3.25 Gallon Royal Berkey!

The bloggers of Positively Real Media, a network of naturally-minded Christian bloggers, are thrilled to be able to offer one of our readers a 3.25 Gallon Royal Berkey Stainless Steel Water Purifier, valued at $300! Many thanks to United Environmental Solutions for providing this fantastic prize to one blessed reader.

Just use the Rafflecopter form below to get your entries in!

Giveaway Details: This giveaway is open to the USA only. This exact same giveaway form is displayed on several other blogs in the Positively Real Media Network. If you follow any of these other blogs, you don’t need to enter the giveaway again on their blogs. In fact, you’ll only be able to enter once.

You will be rewarded with extra entries for liking my blog’s Facebook page. Liking my page, or any of the other blog’s pages, is not mandatory for the giveaway, but it will increase your odds of winning. Feel free to like the pages that resonate with you and skip the rest.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway is open to USA only and ends on October 24, 2014. The winner will be notified by email. This giveaway was organized by Positively Real Media and sponsored by united Environmental Solutions. I was not compensated for this post, but this post does contain affiliate links. Thank you for supporting Imperfect Homemaker!

Throw it Away (Imperfect Homemaking Challenge)

Is your clutter closing in on you?

I feel like I am constantly decluttering, but things just seem to breed themselves overnight!

I know I have strange ideas about homemaking that I am working hard to overcome.  Things like “I can't do any deep cleaning until all the ‘regular' cleaning is done.”

Sometimes I also forget that it's not a rule that I can't declutter unless everything else is clean.

You know what's even more crazy?  Sometimes I become blind to things that are absolute trash!

My house is constantly strewn with little bitty papers that my kids were using to make play money or art projects, or who-knows-what.  It all looks like trash even though it's special treasure to them.  So when a piece of real trash is lying around, sometimes I don't even notice it.

Wouldn't it be better to teach your kids not to leave their papers strewn around in the first place?

Yes. Yes it would.  But they are still little, and still learning.  Kids need lots of repetition.

Today's Challenge: Find 10 things to throw away.


Just by throwing away 10 things, your house will feel lighter and more manageable.


Instagram challenge: Post a picture of what you found to throw away.  Use the hashtag #imperfecthomemaker to encourage other members of this community!  (Follow me here.)


If you’re just joining the 31 Days of Imperfect Homemaking series, you can see all the posts here.


31 Days of Imperfect Homemaking | A Series for Christian Homemakers

Shop Ahead and Save (Imperfect Homemaking Challenge)

One easy way to cut a lot of expense is to shop ahead for gifts.  I'm on the lookout all year for clearance items for those that I know will need Christmas and birthday gifts.  I also pick up other nice toys when I find them marked way down so that when we get a birthday invitation from some procrastinating person who invites us the day before I don't have to spend gas, time, and stress running to the store to to buy a full-priced present.

The imperfect homemaking way to handle all that is just to do it — see something cheap, buy it, stick it in the gift tub, and forget about it until you need to shop from your tub.

The not-so-imperfect homemaker way to do it is to actually write down what you got for who so that you don't buy the same person two gifts and end up actually spending more.

You can print the one pictured right here.

Free Gift Inventory Printable


We imperfect homemakers don't always do the greatest job of planning ahead.  But it doesn't have to be hard.  You don't even have to keep track on the printable.  Next time you see something on clearance for an amazing price, think “To whom could I give that?”  If you can't think of anyone, don't buy it just because it's cheap.  If you can think of someone, buy it and stick it in your gift tub and you just saved yourself some money and a trip to the store when the next birthday rolls around.

It's easy!

Today's challenge: Get in the habit of taking a quick peek through the clearance racks every time you walk past them at the store.

Don't buy things just because they're cheap, buy them when you know who the recipient will be.


If you’re just joining the 31 Days of Imperfect Homemaking series, you can see all the posts here.

31 Days of Imperfect Homemaking | A Series for Christian Homemakers

Taking Care of Yourself (Imperfect Homemaking Challenge)

Time is my biggest enemy when it comes to taking care of my appearance.

I really don't enjoy feeling frumpy, but I'll be honest, there are many, many days when I don't even get to shower.  Believe me, I try, but with 4 small children at home, I can pretty much forget it unless I get up early or stay up late.  It's sad.

My toenails are often undone and sometimes I forget to shave my legs because if I do dare to take a shower during the day I am inevitably interrupted by some minor emergency.

But I really don't enjoy feeling ugly either.  Feeling pretty and feminine actually helps me be a better homemaker because it puts me in a better mood.

So what's a girl to do?

There's only one answer to that – make time.  It's worth it to stay up a little later to do my toenails if it will help me be more cheerful the next day.  It's worth it to stay up a little later if it means I'll get 2 legs shaved instead of only one.

It's worth it to invest in myself so that I can better invest in my family.


It's worth it to invest in myself.


Today's Challenge: Take some time to take care of yourself today.  (Even if it's just shaving the other leg!)


You'll feel better about yourself and be a more cheerful homemaker!

Instagram challenge: Post a photo of what you did to take care of yourself.  Use the hashtag #imperfecthomemaker to encourage other members of this community.  (Follow me here.)


If you’re just joining the 31 Days of Imperfect Homemaking series, you can see all the posts here.


31 Days of Imperfect Homemaking | A Series for Christian Homemakers

Who Cares if You’re Not Crafty? (Imperfect Homemaking Challenge)

I am not a crafty person.

I see all these cute crafts for kids on Pinterest, but when I try them it looks like…well…let's just say you probably wouldn't be able to tell if it was me or the kids who did the craft.


But I still get these grand ideas in my head about doing these adorable crafts with my kids.  And they never happen because I just never quite get all the details of this fabulous craft finalized.

We imperfect homemakers have that problem — we live in a dream world sometimes.  We want everything to be perfect, and when we can't live up to those ideals, we don't do anything at all.

This challenge is all about letting go of our perfection and just doing something!

Today's Challenge: Do a craft with your kids.


You don't have to figure out anything fancy.  You may just need to pull out the construction paper, scissors, and glue and let them go to town with it.  They will still have fun and that's what matters!


Instagram challenge: Post a photo of your crafting session with your kids.  Use the hashtag #imperfecthomemaker to encourage other members of this community.  (Follow me here.)


If you’re just joining the 31 Days of Imperfect Homemaking series, you can see all the posts here.


31 Days of Imperfect Homemaking | A Series for Christian Homemakers